Free Free: free, independent and female movement. Free Free is a movement that supports women in their journey through emotional and financial independence.

They work for a world where girls and women feel less guilt, fear and shame of being who they are and reach their creative potential through fashion, art, beauty and spirituality. They are an NGO that transforms shame, fears and guilt into dreams and possibilities and that works for a completely free life. We worked on defining the creative and art direction for the institute's several campaigns, social media comunication, website, film ads, festival and almost every visual touch point it has. 

Unlimited creative
services, for unique
brands & everyday

Creative Services:

Brand & Visual identity
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Creative Consulting
Book & Editorial design
Packaging Design
Website Design
Social Media
Film & Motion Design

Based in:

São Paulo, BR

Paris, FR

Unlimited creative services, for unique brands & everyday people.

Based in:
São Paulo - Paris





Creative Direction
Visual Identity
Art Direction
Creative Consulting
Editorial Design
Book Design
Packaging Design
Promotional Materials
Website Design