Client: CCBB Música. Performance

Service: Brand Identity, Motion

Visual identity for the 5th edition
CCBB Música.Perfomance Festival.

The 5th edition idea was to restructure the festival and create a more serious institutional identity, since the language of the festival had evolved and needed a visual evolution to go along this process. The parentheses opened space, leaving a free space to embrace any type of artistic expression. Guest artists: Berna Reale, Matthew Barney, Alejandro Ahmad, Cena Cena 11 and Mamba Negra.

Unlimited creative
services, for unique
brands & everyday

Creative Services:

Brand & Visual identity
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Creative Consulting
Book & Editorial design
Packaging Design
Website Design
Social Media
Film & Motion Design

Based in:

São Paulo, BR

Paris, FR

Unlimited creative services, for unique brands & everyday people.

Based in:
São Paulo - Paris





Creative Direction
Visual Identity
Art Direction
Creative Consulting
Editorial Design
Book Design
Packaging Design
Promotional Materials
Website Design